I deserve access to education and opportunities

Girls in Afghanistan are risking their lives for an education.
You can support safer access to community and learning.

Unlock Access to Schools

80% of school-aged Afghan girls and young women are out of school.

Support Ongoing Education

Nearly 30% of girls in Afghanistan have never entered primary education.

Create Community Impact

1.1 million girls and young women without access to formal education in Afghanistan

What We Do

Teaching Vital Skills

We equip Afghan girls with essential knowledge and tools for their futures. Our innovative programs include underground IT and coding classes, English language learning, tailoring, literacy, health, and women’s empowerment workshops.

Women’s Empowerment

We help young girls champion autonomy to forge resilient female leaders. Our comprehensive empowerment programs address critical issues across conflict resolution, preventing early marriages, enhancing awareness around menstrual, prenatal, and and postnatal health.

Improving Digital Literacy

We impact over 300 girls annually, equipping them with essential digital skills for higher education and the modern workforce. Our Digital Literacy Program is a vital conduit to empowerment, education, and employment for Afghan girls, bridging the digital divide in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

Unlock access to life-changing education and support for young girls and women in Afghanistan

Defy educational bans and foster independence for Afghan girls.

A Sahar student smiling at the camera reading a book
Sahar students smiling hanging out together

The Sahar Ripple Effect:
One small act has an everlasting impact.

Providing education to girls acts as a catalyst for profound change, setting off a ripple effect that extends far beyond the classroom. When girls are educated, they become empowered individuals, capable of contributing meaningfully to their own goals, families, communities, and the economy.

Investing in girls' education in Afghanistan not only transforms individual lives but also has far-reaching effects that create a more prosperous, equitable, and resilient society for generations to come.

Like a pebble being thrown into a pond, at Sahar we know that even the smallest of efforts create a ripple effect.

Making A Difference


Sahar girls served annually through 2021


Donations raised on GlobalGiving


Sahar-educated girls total through 2024


Schools built, repaired, and/or supplied

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Charity Navigator Four-Star Award for Sahar
Candid's Platinum Transparency 2024 Award for Sahar
Global Giving's Top Ranked Organization 2024 Award for Sahar
Global Giving's Effective Oganization 2024 Award for Sahar
Global Giving's Vetted Organization 2024 Award for Sahar