Stealth Sisters

Enabling girls who's education was interrupted by the Taliban takeover to continue learning vital skills to find employment

A Day in the Life: Stealth Sisters Documentary

Photos and videos of Sahar students are blurred to protect their identities.

About Stealth Sisters

Graduates of this program have many avenues open to them including continuing education online, enrolling in other Sahar programs, and starting home-based businesses to teach those in their communities.

Past graduates have reported that the women’s empowerment focus helped build self-esteem and improved their ability to speak for themselves. This led them to work teaching local children, providing services online, and giving them the confidence to continue learning after completing the program.

Our Sealth Sisters Program addresses vital skills for Afghan girls; including English, IT, and a focused approach around gender roles, health, and wellness within their communities.

These courses are conducted in secret, with local schools, and serve girls who would not be able to attend school due to age restrictions by the Taliban. This program serves 20 girls at a time, preparing the students for future opportunities by addressing many barriers to continued education.

The Taliban has banned girls’ education past grade 6 indefinitely

On March 23, 2022, the Taliban reversed their decision to open girls’ schools and continued the ban on girls’ education above grade 6 indefinitely.

Millions of girls are now banned from schools and long to resume their education. Sahar’s Stealth Sisters program is even more critical than ever.

Many girls who had to leave secondary education have applied to our programs. The current program serves 20 girls over a 6-month period, teaching English and computer skills to girls.

Change a Life

$100 One Time Donation

Provides school supplies for five students

$250 Monthly Donation

Sponsors one month of Stealth Sisters classes for an Afghan girl

$1,500 Yearly Donation

Sponsors and entire course of Stealth Sisters for an Afghan girl