2017 Fall Event

Join Sahar for dinner on October 26th, and help us to launch a new boarding school to educate and empower Afghan girls.


DATE AND TIMEThu, October 26, 20176:00 PM – 9:00 PM PDTLOCATIONSoDo Park3200 1st Avenue SouthSeattle, WA 98134Our Goal: High-school completion for all girls in our schools.Education starts a virtuous cycle in which Afghan girls, their children, and generations to come will have better, more peaceful lives, with potential for entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic empowerment. Every year of school increases future wages by up to 25 percent. If a girl receives seven or more years of education, she will marry four years later, have 2.2 fewer children, and be much less likely to die in childbirth or be abused by a husband.Remarks by Airokhsh , Sahar Senior Fellow AdvisorAirokhsh spent the 2017 summer in Afghanistan working with Sahar's Early Marriage Prevention Program. She will be sharing with Sahar supporters insights as well as the impact of our program. Airokhsh has been with Sahar since 2015 and is currently finishing her graduate degree at the Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.Remarks by Mahsheed, Sahar Fellowship RecipientMahsheed Mahjor graduated from Allentown, Pennsylvania's Muhlenberg College in May 2016, double majoring in International Studies and Women in the Socio-Political World. Mahsheed joined Sahar as a fellow in 2017, after spending time working closely with humanitarian organizations inside Afghanistan, as well as the United States. Always passionate about education, specifically pertaining to Afghan girls, Mahsheed believes that the world would be a better place with a more educated population. Mahsheed believes that "educated citizens promote peace and prosperity in their respective communities by engaging those around them in meaningful dialogue." Mahsheed believes that Sahar is forging a path when it comes to educating individuals, and feels very forutnate to be a part of such a dynamic team.PBS NewsHour with Judy Woodruff - Mahsheed delivers her student address at commencement on hardships and inequities around the world, the role of citizenship and the value of her education.Remarks by Solaiman, Janet W. Ketcham Award Recipient for Outstanding Contribution to Girls EducationSolaiman received his Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering from Pune University, India, and is currently pursuing his graduate studies degree in construction science and management at the Clemson University Fulbright Scholarship Program. Solaiman has over five years professional experience with national and international organizations in planning, design, and execution of infrastructure projects. Solaiman concluded his summer internship at Seattle's Katerra, a technology startup redefining the construction industry to create commercial and residential structures quickly and inexpensively. He has also participated in academic, social, and professional workshops leading towards sustainability in design and construction. Solaiman holds a diploma in Leadership Development from the Institute for Leadership Development (ILD) Herat under Morning Star Foundation, and, aside from his professional career, he has participated in many inter-community volunteer activities. Some causes very close to his heart are environment, poverty alleviation, education, and economic empowerment.Our MissionSahar partners with Afghanistan’s Ministry of Education and locally-based organizations to empower Afghan women through education. We currently educate more than 20,000 girls in 13 schools throughout Afghanistan each year. Additionally, 737 teachers have been trained through Sahar programs, 3224 students have attended our computer center courses, and 730 students have attended our Early Marriage Prevention Program. With your help, we will add a new boarding school next year.

At Sahar, we believe that educated Afghan Girls forego early marriage. Please register by October 13th to join us for dinner and build an inclusive, prosperous Afghanistan for men and women.

Many thanks to our sponsors: The Miller Hull Partnership, as well as Form MarketingKaterra, Plum Project ServicesGirlie Press, and Kabul Afghan Cuisine

Interested in being a table captain and/or sponsor? Please email Tanya Cooke for more information.

Photo: Airokhsh Faiz Qaisary

Partnership with One Day's Wages!


Sahar celebrates International Youth Day - August 12th, 2017!