Dining for Women conference - "Knowledge is Power"

Sahar's Early Marriage Prevention Program received a $50,000 grant from Dining for Women in 2017. With similar missions of focusing on women's empowerment, it's no surprise that we continue to partner with an organization doing such important work.The Knowledge is Power conference in May of 2018 will celebrate Dining for Women's 15th Anniversary of empowering and engaging women and girls around the world. Dining for Women members and volunteer leadership will learn about world issues and current events impacting women and girls globally and connect with Dining for Women grantees and each other. Located at the The United States Institute of Peace in Washington DC, the beautiful and iconic building sits at the northwest corner of the Washington National Mall and provides the perfect setting for a national conference.Our Senior Fellow Advisor, Airoksh Faiz Qaisary (pictured), has been invited to contribute as part of the panel "Women’s Rights are Human Rights" at the conference:""Women’s Rights are Human Rights" has been a rallying cry since 1830 and was given new life at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. Much progress has been made through the decades for women and girls, however around the world challenges remain for women and girls in reaching their full potential. This panel presents perspectives from Sahar in Afghanistan, Safe Hands for Girls from the Gambia and Women’s Justice Initiative in Guatemala."Sahar's presence will be expanded via an information table as well as the attendance of Sahar Executive Director Ginna Brelsford and Sahar Fellow Mahsheed Mahjor. We'll see you there!Fore more information about the event, click here.


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