How Can I Celebrate International Women's Day 2017?

International Women's Day 2017 is just around the corner! On march 8th, we will celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day will also mark a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Here at Sahar, we urge you to participate in a variety of ways on this important day:1. Reach out in your community and celebrate some of the incredible women that make up the fabric of your life. Whether it's your aunt, neighbor, or co-worker, celebrate their achievements and acknowledge the challenges they've faced to get where they are today. This can be an in-person conversation, a note, or an email! The important part is to strengthen the bonds in your own community.2. Research events and organizations in your area by going to! Bring a buddy and make it a way to engage in your community.3. Think big picture. Here at Sahar we help more Afghan girls get in school and stay in school. If this mission resonates with you, learn more about our programs here. We rely on donations from people like YOU to continue doing important work, please click here if you're interested in supporting. If a donation isn't the right fit for you at this time, please join our mailing list to hear about other ways you can be engaged: click here.


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Why Do We Need an International Women's Day?