Join our Board of Directors!

Sahar is seeking new Board Members!

Is it you? Sahar Board Members will have the privilege of working collaboratively with our US and Afghan team, creating programs and building schools that truly change lives. The board provides strategic direction and oversight to our well-established non-profit, ensuring we are the best stewards possible for our supporters and the people of Afghanistan.If you or someone you know:

  • Is passionate about access to education and is excited about creating opportunities for girls, women, and families in Afghanistan.
  • Communicates well and are able to build awareness of Sahar
  • Wants to be a part of a dynamic board and have the time and energy to spend 5-8 hours a month doing board work
  • Is interested in building partnerships for Sahar to expand its local and global network.

Check out our Sahar Board Opportunity Announcement for more information.Interested in joining us? Sahar is seeking to bring on new board members to serve three-year terms beginning September 2019. Please email with any questions and to receive the short online application. Interested candidates must complete an application by June 10, 2019, and will be interviewed by our recruiting team.


GiveBIG 2019!


Check out the Asia Foundation's 2018 Survey of the Afghan People