Matching Grant Opportunity with One Day's Wages

We have exciting news! We have the opportunity to receive a $15,0000 matching grant from One Day's Wages for our Early Marriage Prevention Program! Donate today to double your impact and help us reach our fundraising goal!In Afghanistan 34% of women currently 20-24 years old were married before the age of 18. This means that 34% of young women in Afghanistan were torn away from their education too soon, an opportunity we in the United States take for granted. Human rights and especially women’s rights are under siege across borders. Preventing childhood marriage stems the tide of gender violence and increases girls education for countless girls globally.Four years ago, Sahar took a leap and designed and implemented the first in class Early Marriage Prevention Program. The goal of this program is simple: to keep girls in school and out of marriage. All over the world, women and allies must fight to ensure that every girl has the opportunity for education.Join our Afghan and US team today and donate to our match opportunity by clicking on the link below. Every dollar you give will be matched and helps ensure our program to prevent early marriage continues to deliver life saving curriculums in Northern Afghanistan.Click here and double your impact!Thank you for your support!


Welcome Sapida, Sahar's Newest Afghan Fellow!


Education as the Counterbalance to War and Despair