Program Update March 2022

Education is a fundamental human right; however, it is well known that since the Taliban has taken over Afghanistan, education has once again been taken away from millions of Afghan girls. Currently girls are only allowed to participate in education through age 12, but we know that many girls under 12 are no longer pursuing education out of fear for their safety and the lack of teachers. 

Sahar is also aware of the dangers that are associated with any United States-based organizations working in Afghanistan (and their grassroots partners). This is why Sahar is working collaboratively with grassroots organizations based in Afghanistan and equipping them with evidence-informed curricula, project management, training, and support to help advance their efforts across the country. We are currently supporting the operations of two mobile schools that serve nearly 500 children who are members of a nomadic tribe who have not had access to education prior to this effort.  Founded by a remarkable young Afghan woman, these schools are teaching basic literacy skills to girls and boys of all ages.  


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