Sahar Awarded WomenStrong International Grant

Sahar is pleased to announce that WomenStrong International has awarded us with a two-year
grant (2020-2022) to support Men as Partners in Change (MPC) as part of their innovative
Learning Lab in Girls’ Education and Empowerment (GEE).

WomenStrong finds, funds, strengthens, and shares women-driven solutions to transform lives.
WomenStrong brings together these organizations to learn and share through Learning Labs. In
these Labs, members explore their areas of work by looking to alternative intervention models,
existing academic research, and replicable practitioner approaches.

Sahar is excited to continue growing as part of the GEE Learning Lab, which focuses on how to
keep girls in school and prepare them with the tools and resources they need to live dignified and
peaceful lives. The GEE Learning Lab also works to understand how best to engage boys and
men as partners in girls’ empowerment, a central component of our MPC program.

Despite a challenging year due to COVID-19, the MPC pilot project – also supported by
WomenStrong – proved to be an incredibly valuable program for the communities with which
we work. “I learned by rights and, at the same time, women’s rights. I
understand that human rights are not restricted to men but for all human beings,” says Yasir
Walizadah, an MPC Trainee who did his training entirely remotely earlier this year.

We are grateful to WomenStrong for their continued support and look forward to continuing the
MPC program as we work to promote girls’ education, rights, and empowerment in Afghanistan.


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