Sahar Operations & Campaign Manager Qxhna Titcomb World Champion in Ultimate Frisbee!

Sahar champions women and girls empowerment worldwide. We work with so many people - Afghan women and girls in our programs and schools, our staff in Afghanistan, our Afghan fellow in Seattle, our American staff, as well as all our Sahar supporters themselves. There are many ways to champion change - education and empowerment can happen through many avenues. One of those avenues is sport.Our Seattle-based Operations and Campaign Manager, Qxhna Titcomb recently won an ultimate frisbee world championship with the Seattle women's club team, Seattle Riot, at the World Ultimate Club Championships in Cincinnati, OH. Ultimate frisbee is a self-refereed non-contact team sport played on a soccer-sized field, with players passing the frisbee between each other to advance it down the field and catch the disc in the endzone for a point. Qxhna brings a lot of her passion for gender equity from sports and we benefit from her team-first mentality in the office every day.Congrats, Qxhna!

Tuesday, August 28 - Building Their Future: How Girls’ Schools in Afghanistan Are Preventing Early Marriage


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