2017 Fundraising Success!

Thanks to our fantastic donors, we have successfully reached our 2017 fundraising goals!This year, we raised $60,866 for our computer center, $42,729 for our teacher training center and teacher transportation program, and $85,866 for our early marriage prevention program. Each of these centers and programs will touch thousands and thousands of young Afghan girls. We have provided more girls in rural northern Afghanistan with the opportunity to learn.Education may seem like a simple action in a nation ravaged by war for the last several decades, but we have seen tremendous change in the status of girls and women. Providing quality education experiences is about more than just getting more girls into the classroom, it is about empowering them to be free, creative thinkers who can engage in the public discussion of their country’s culture and politics and be respected and heard. We are a long ways off from achieving our goals of gender parity in the Afghanistan education system, but we continue to see tremendous growth in our capability to make this a reality.We are excited and invigorated for what’s to come in 2018! We hope you’ll join us in continuing the gift of education.


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What a wonderful year 2017 has been!