What a wonderful year 2017 has been!

Wow! What a wonderful year it has been for Sahar. Not only have we increased our positive impact on girls education in Afghanistan, but we’ve also become a stronger and more sustainable organization. Thanks to the consistent support of our donors, we’ve had many successes this year:

2 Issue Briefings1 Fall Event1 new Afghan fellow1 new operations and campaign manager8 Dining for Women chapter appearances4 grants received (Dining for Women, One Day’s Wages, Girls Rights Project, International Foundation)

We are continuously humbled by the commitment of our staff, board, and community to bring educational opportunities to Afghan girls. On behalf of Sahar, thank you for your dedication and for making 2017 a year to remember! We are motivated and invigorated as we move into 2018.

Sahar's impact to date:

250,000 girls educated at Sahar-supported schools737 teachers trained through Sahar programs3,224 students have attended Sahar computer center classes730 graduates from our Early Marriage Prevention Program


2017 Fundraising Success!


Announcing the 2017 - 2018 Impact Report