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Virtual Round Table

If you joined us last night, we hope you enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about our programs and mission and we welcome you to get involved in education for Afghan girls! We recorded the event for anyone who wasn’t able to join us last night and you can find the video below. 

November 21st, 2023 Virtual Round Table

Your dedication to the cause is greatly appreciated as we continue to fight for girls’ education in Afghanistan!

Many of you asked how you can get involved and we are happy that you want to take a stand for women! Below are some important ways you can make a difference for Afghan women and girls. 

Raise Awareness

You can find resources to support Afghan people in this time of crisis on our website. You can also sign up for our newsletter and follow our social media presence via the website. Sharing and commenting/liking our social posts is a free and easy way to raise awareness.


If you are interested in using your skills or connections to help Sahar Education you can volunteer or apply to join the Board of Directors. Email [email protected] to learn about these opportunities. 


There are millions of girls out of school due to the Taliban’s ban on secondary education and we cannot serve them all. However, our programs create a ripple effect that changes lives and communities! Your financial support can ensure these programs continue as long as they are needed. There are multiple ways to donate.

Give with matching through GlobalGiving through January 1st! All donations (up to $1000 per donor) to the two projects listed here will receive 50% matching through the Safer World Fund. Monthly donations are also eligible for additional matching! 

Defy the Taliban, Coding Classes for Afghan Girls

Empower an Afghan Girl to Find Her Voice

Keep in mind the #GivingTuesday campaign on November 28th will supply even more matching funds to every donation through GlobalGiving on that day!

You can also send a check if you prefer, or explore additional ways to give on

Sahar Education
PO Box 17672, Seattle, WA 98127

Thank you for your dedication to girls’ education! We can’t do this important work without you!

You can change the life of a girl and her community.

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